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Many times we face issue while creating the procedure because of '&' then do the following:

when a problem in creating the procedure because of & then do the following

SQL> show all

appinfo is OFF and set to "SQL*Plus"
arraysize 1
autocommit OFF
autoprint OFF
autorecovery OFF
autotrace OFF
blockterminator "." (hex 2e)
btitle OFF and is the first few characters of the next SELECT statement
cmdsep OFF
colsep " "
compatibility version NATIVE
concat "." (hex 2e)
copycommit 0
define "&" (hex 26)
echo OFF
editfile "afiedt.buf"
embedded OFF
escape OFF
FEEDBACK ON for 6 or more rows
flagger OFF
flush ON
heading ON
headsep "|" (hex 7c)
instance "local"
linesize 80
lno 72
loboffset 1
logsource ""
long 80
longchunksize 80
markup HTML OFF HEAD "<style type='text/css'> body {font:10pt Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:black; background:White;} p {font:10pt Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:black; background:White;} table,tr,td {font:10pt Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:Black; background:#f7f7e7; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px; margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;} th {font:bold 10pt Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:#336699; background:#cccc99; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;} h1 {font:16pt Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif; color:#336699; background-color:White; border-bottom:1px solid #cccc99; margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;} h2 {font:bold 10pt Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif; color:#336699; background-color:White; margin-top:4pt; margin-bottom:0pt;} a {font:9pt Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:#663300; background:#ffffff; margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; vertical-align:top;}</style><title>SQL*Plus Report</title>" BODY "" TABLE "border='1' width='90%' align='center' summary='Script output'" SPOOL OFF ENTMAP ON PREFORMAT OFF
newpage 1
null ""
numformat ""
numwidth 10
pagesize 72
pno 0
recsep WRAP
recsepchar " " (hex 20)
release 902000700
repfooter OFF and is NULL
repheader OFF and is NULL
serveroutput OFF
shiftinout INVISIBLE
showmode OFF
spool OFF
sqlblanklines OFF
sqlcase MIXED
sqlcode 0
sqlcontinue "> "
sqlnumber ON
sqlpluscompatibility 8.1.7
sqlprefix "#" (hex 23)
sqlprompt "SQL> "
sqlterminator ";" (hex 3b)
suffix "sql"
tab ON
termout ON
time OFF
timing OFF
trimout ON
trimspool OFF
ttitle OFF and is the first few characters of the next SELECT statement
underline "-" (hex 2d)
verify ON
wrap : lines will be wrapped

here in define & is defined, so please define another character in place of &  by

SQL> set define '~'
define "~" (hex 7e)

here define value will change from & to & now it will not ask for other value.2

home - This directory is used as a starting point for users home directories. These are directories that are given to users for them to store any files they create. The users directory is a subdirectory to home normally the same name as the username.
e.g. /home/stewart
usr - This directory is used to store installed user applications.
var - This is used for files of variable length. Files that change a lot such as log files would be kept here.
tmp - If used this directory is used for temporary files that are only needed for a short period of file. Some systems use housekeeping jobs to periodically delete files in this directory so important files should not be stored here.
etc - This directory holds many of the configuration files used by applications.
bin or sbin - Whilst you may see bin or sbin directories at the top level these are normally symbolic links to the directories /usr/bin or /usr/sbin respectively.
There are two other top level directories that are used as starting points for other directories.
dev - This is used to hold the devices available on the system. For example the first hard disk (hdisk0) can be referred to as /dev/hdisk0
mnt - This is the mount point which is used as a convenient place to attach other devices such as floppy disk drives and CD-ROM Drives. For example the CDROM drive may be mounted as /mnt/cd0/ although the name does not have to be the same as the device name.

These then subdivide into further directories which can be represented as a tree.

Most Commonly used Aix Command

lspv …………………………………………….…..To list Physical volumes
lsvg …………………………………………………To list Volume groups
lsvg –o ………………………………………….….To list active/varyon volume groups
lsvg -l anyvg …………………………………….…To list filesystems of anyvg
lsvg anyvg ……….. ……………………………….To list properties of anyvg
lsdev -Cc adapter ……………………………….. To display the adapters
lsdev -Cc disk ……………………………………. To list the disks
lsdev -Cc cdrom …………………………………..To list cdrom
lsconf |more …………………………………….…To list the configuration of the server
lscfg –vp |more …………………………….….. .. To list the VPD info of the h/w
lscfg -vl fcs0 ……………………………….………To list VPD info of particular device.
lscfg -vl hdisk0 …………………………………….To check the VPD info of the HDD
bosboot -ad /dev/hdisk0 ………………………….To copy the bootimage to the HDD
bootinfo –b ……………………………….………..To check the current boot device.
bootlist -m normal –o …………………..……….. To view the boolist
pwd ………………….. ……………………...…….To view the present working directory.
extendvg rootvg hdisk0 ………………..…………To extend a PV in the VG.
df –gt ……………………………………………… To see all the mounted filesystems
last shutdown ………………………………..…… To see the last shutdown on the system.
who ………………………………………………… To see who are logged in the system.
date ………………………………………………....To see the date on the syatem.
errpt ………………………………………….…….. To check the error logs on the system.
Errpt –a ……………………………………………..To check the details of error logs.
errclear 0 ………………………………………….. To clear the error logs.
cfgmgr –v ………………………………………….. To configure the new h/w
uptime ……………………………………………...To check the system uptime.
shutdown -F now ………………………………….To shutdown the system.
ls –l …………………………………………………To list the files and directories in a particular folder.
fsck –y /dev/hd3 ………………………………….. File system check and correction.
lsdev –Cc if ……………………………………….. To list the n/w devices.
lsvpcfg …………………………………………..…. To list the virtual path config.
entstat –d ent0 ……………………………………. To list the config of the n/w interface.
lsdev –Cc tape ……………………………..…….. To list the tape devices.
chdev –l hdisk# -a pv=clear …………………..…To clear the PVID
last root …………………………………………… To list the previous root logins
lspv hdisk# ………………………………….…….. To see properties of hdisk.
lspv –p hdisk0 ……………………………….……To see physical allocation of data on HDD.
lsattr –El fcs0 ……………………………………… To see attributes of FC port
lsattr –El tty0
export TERM=vt100 …………………………….…Sets the terminal to vt100
bootinfo –y ………………………………………... To identify the ?bit processor are present.
lsattr –El sys0 | grep realmem …………… ……..List the memory present in the system.
chfs –a size=+10G /mountpt ………….. ………..To change the size of the filesystem.
lsslot –c pci ………………………………………... To list the devices connected in PCI slots.
lsdev –Cs scsi ………………………………………Displays the scsi devices
oslevel –rl 5300-05 …………….............................To see the recommended filesets required to upgrade to specified ML
lsvg –M vgname |grep –I stale |wc –l ……............To see the no. of stale partitions while the PVs in a vg are getting mirrored
ulimit –a
vi /etc/securities/limits ………………………………To change the umlimits.
varyonvg vgname…………………………………….To change ( make it activite ) the state of vg
varyoffvg vgname……………………………………..To change (make it deactivate ) the state of vg
synclvodm vgname
reducevg vgname hdisk#......................................To remove a hdisk from volume group
instfix –ik IY#####............................................To see if Apar is installed or not.
lsps –a …………………………To view paging size.
msps –s’#value no.’ vgname hdisk_no…………………………To make new paging size.
rmps vgname………………………………..To remove paging size
ps –efmo THREAD ………………………….To view all running thread .
lssrc –a………………………………..To list all subsystem.
Lssrc –g nfs ………………………..To list all NFS dameons.
Smitty cdrfs …………………………..To mount device.
lslpp –l | grep ‘name of the file sets’…………….To view if file sets is present or not.
ls –li………………………..List inode no. of the file.
env | grep umask ……………………..To display
export umask=#..........................To set the value of umask.
stty erase click backspace…………………….To use backspace to delet character.